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What is a Cooper's Tote?

A Cooper's Tote is filled with age appropriate items, and will be given to children upon their arrival into the foster system. These totes are something they can take with them on their journey, something they can call their own.  Since many children enter with so few belongings, the psychological importance of owning a bag of your own nice things cannot be underestimated! 



Each bag is made by gender and age groups- 2-4, 5-7, 8-12

Hygiene products, ex: toothbrush, fun band aids, deodorant

Cozy socks

Coloring book and drawing tools

 2-3 Snacks (these kids are hungry and scared to ask for food)

Toys, something special

Novelty items, ex: for girls you can put lip gloss, nail polish, hair accessories 

A special stuffed animal to cuddle with


Cozy Blankets
A Night Light
Story Book


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